8 Reasons to own a modern sewing machine

1. Create your own designs: With a modern sewing machine in your house you can play around with designs to fit your style.


2. Tailor the clothes you purchase: Even if you don’t create clothes you can still alter the clothes you purchase to achieve your best fit


3. Make stuffed animals: Yes, you heard that right! Making stuffed animals become super easy if you have a sewing machine. Children love soft toys made especially for them.


4. Cosmetic bags: You can create cosmetic bags of a size that you desire. Accommodate all your makeup goodies and slip it into your travel bag.

Singer India- Tiffin Bags

5. Make cushion covers & curtains: You can anytime give your room a makeover with new pillow covers and curtains

Own a Modern Sewing Machine

6. Transform old items into new: An old top or a pair of jeans can be converted into something new.

A bag

7. Creative Clothing for Kids: You can dress up your toddler in cute clothes.

a frock

8. Save money: If you sew all the above mentioned items by yourself, you are definitely saving a whole lot of money.


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