1- Customers Lead: Our Company believes in constant innovation and growth that will empower our customers to grow in life. We incorporate findings of our customers in our product portfolio to make everyday working easy and smooth. We believe in ‘leading by change’ and hence our products showcase our customer-centric approach.
2- Business Code: We strongly believe in conducting business with utmost integrity, responsibility, transparency, fairness and honesty. As a responsible corporate citizen, we do not seek competitive advantage through illegal or unethical business practices.
3- Corporate Governance: We have grown over the years with much appreciation and fanfare, due to the diligence practiced by each of our employees. By adhering to the code of ethics as well as all laws and regulations, in letter and in spirit, we have set standards that are much ahead of its time and higher than those stipulated by law.
4- Information: We are committed to provide accurate and complete information as required in time to all concerned with our Company including our stakeholders. This transparency makes our company a preferred brand partner for all household requirements.
5- Employee engagement: Although our core concentration lies in continuously providing our customers with better and more useful products; however, while doing so we keep the needs of our employees in purview and ensure that we have a two-way approach to meeting end results.
6- Transform: Our ultimate goal is to make the world a better place to live, by providing opportunities to all in need, especially women. This change is led by a strong emotion in all our employees to ‘Be the Change You want to See