Bringing Underprivileged Women into the Mainstream Of Development
Women are the real architects of society and as such their empowerment is one of the important goals for increasing and improving the social, economic strength of women as well as society.
What we take from the community, we must give back to it
For women from the weaker sections of society, a vocational skill like sewing holds an important alternative as they can set up a sewing machine set up in their homes and cater to making clothes for their family and neighborhood while still continuing their roles as traditional homemakers.
As part of Singer India’s Corporate Social Responsibility Programme of Ek Nai Pehchaan(GIVING A NEW IDENTITY ), Singer India has committed itself to aggressively aiming to uplift women from the weaker sections of society who are Coming from the slums and lower-middle strata, these women are generally unemployed, school drop-outs and widows.
Singer India is engaged in running many Skill Development Centres either directly or through associations with other Corporate Organisations & NGOs to provide women with vocational training in order to help them learn the skill of sewing.
The Singer skill centres are equipped with the latest industrial machines – all part of the training course aimed at making women embrace work in garment factories.
These Centres have proved to be a blessing for women as they have gained a lot of confidence after taking Singer’s three months Certificate and six-month Diploma courses.
The students also get the opportunity to attend exposure workshops at the factories of leading designers where they associate with them and learn how to craft designer outfits.
Sewing Hope – Skilling Prison Inmates
Prisons are not punishment centres, but places for reformation.
Sewing Hope is another initiative Singer India has taken to skills prison inmates both men and women at special sewing classes established in some prisons.
The prison inmates are given exclusive attention in terms of imparting them with sewing skills so that they can earn their livelihood in an honest manner after their term ends. The vocation also helps the inmates channel their aggression into positive energy.

SINGER’s association with LOOMBA FOUNDATION for supporting the Widows to supplement their income through the sewing skill and making them self reliant.
During January 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji attended the function at Varanasi and launched the project to empower 5000 Widows who were donated the machines. Each widow was given two months sewing training skills at various skill centres in Varanasi.
Association with Delhi Police

Singer is proud to get associated with Delhi Police to support their Mask Making Initiative for the frontline warriors of our nation. To support the cause, Singer, donated 30 Sewing Machines to Delhi Police to make masks for the police personnel and aid them in their fight against COVID-19.
On this occasion, Mr. Rajeev Bajaj, in his special message to Delhi Police said, “Each one of us should contribute in these circumstances and doing our bit, Singer is proud to donate sewing machines to Delhi Police in their extraordinary initiative of Mask Making for the Police Personnel and needy persons and Singer salutes and appreciate the untiring efforts of the Police Force as COVID frontline warriors.”
Old Is Gold – Here Is Singer’s living legacy who makes quite a fascinating history
Sewing Skill Centres
For any enquiry Call Mr. Anuj Kumar Bhatia: 9910212160
Every year, the CSR Committee will place for the Board’s approval, a CSR plan delineating the CSR programs to be carried out during the financial year and the specified budgets thereof. The Board will consider and approve the CSR Plan with any modification that may be deemed necessary. The CSR Committee will assign the task of implementation to the management group led by the Managing Director who will in turn report to the CSR Committee on progress as such frequency as the CSR Committee may direct. At the end of every financial year, the CSR committee will submit its report to the Board.